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Case Study

Honor Care

My Role

UX Design Lead

My Responsibilities

UX Research, UX Design, CMS

Active Dates


The Purpose

upon joining the honor team I was tasked with completely redesigning the company website.

Collaborating with a talented team of designers, developers, and executives, we embarked on a mission to rebuild the website from scratch as well as launching on a new cms platform, Optimizely. I built a new design system that streamlined the design process and developer collaboration.

This process allowed us to expedite the project timeline and achieve a successful launch. In addition I oversaw content management, SEO optimization, and rigorous QA testing to ensure a flawless user experience.

Messaging Outline & Wireframes

During the discovery and planning phase I challenged the team to identify the primary objective and user flow of the website as well as each page individually. Once the core objectives were decided, I led workshops to organize the brand messaging and prioritize these goals and ensure each page function was on target. The result of these workshops were message outlines that documented each page structure that I then used to build out wireframes.




An innovative approach to visualizing brand elements and the intended style for the new website. This ultrawide format collage is not a traditional moodboard or web design, but rather a captivating showcase that allows stakeholders to grasp the core design concept without being distracted by mock page layouts. By embracing an unfamiliar format, it opens the door for a free expression of messaging and imagery that goes beyond the constraints of typical webpage designs.



Design System 

Meticulously documented guidelines that detail the styling, layout, and seamless integration of all web elements into cohesive blocks. By establishing a strong foundation of principles, I was able to swiftly deliver design assets and continuously expand pages with limitless combinations of components, while preserving consistent patterns and layouts.


Design System Mock

Concepts & Designs

By utilizing the design system and working closely with the content team (no lorem ipsum here), I expedited the creation and delivery of detailed designs for each new page. I created several variations of the homepage key sections/elements and worked with the team to finely tune the final version. After finalizing each page design, I meticulously annotated each element with comprehensive guidelines and provided interactive prototypes for more complex elements.


Honor - Care Pro - Designs
Honor - tech - mockup



This is just a small sample of deliverables from the full project. Full project source files and additional resources may be shared privately.
You can view the live website here: ⤴ (website may change and not reflect my personal work over time)


Success was achieved

The new website was launched with great success. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive as well as analytic data on user views, depth, bounce-rate, and conversions significantly improving over historical data.

Increase in applications
Decrease in Bounce Rate
Increase time on page

Other work at Honor

During my time as a full-time UX Design Lead, I had the opportunity to work on numerous projects. Below, I have highlighted a small selection of these projects. For more information and additional resources, please feel free to reach out to me privately.

Honor Expert

I was part of a team that developed and tested a groundbreaking initiative, providing free resources and guidance to the aging adult community. After completing the initial design and development, I monitored the website's performance using tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar. By gathering user feedback and analyzing screen recordings, we consistently improved and expanded the website, enhancing the experience for our audience.


Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 2.41.33 PM