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Case Study


My Role


My Responsibilities

UX/UI, Build, Marketing

Active Dates

2023 - Current

The Purpose

I have tried so many budgeting apps, but still needed a complex spreadhseet to keep track of everything.

Despite the abundance of great budgeting apps, none of them truly offer a proactive solution for effective money management. While these apps may allow for spending categorization and budget goal setting, they fail to provide a clear view of available funds after expenses and budgets have been accounted for, leading up to the next paycheck.

While it's great to see your finances for the month if you're paid once a month, this isn't the case for most people. That's why I embarked on creating an app that tailors your budget to your unique pay schedule. By budgeting per pay period, you'll be able to effortlessly track your finances on a daily basis and have a crystal-clear understanding of your available funds at the end of each pay period. This empowering feature allows you to confidently know exactly how much money you have at your disposal for spending.


The logo incorporates wallet and check-mark elements, creating a visually appealing concept. The green color palette symbolizes financial prosperity, while plant photography represents growth and tranquility, aligning with the brand's mission to simplify personal finances.



Onboarding flow 



The primary dashboard provides a concise summary of financial insights, with color coding for easy scanning and text sizing for quick identification of key values. The screen also displays supplementary information to enhance the user experience.




With FlutterFlow, I effortlessly created a functional prototype and had it on my iPhone without a development team or months of work. The app is still a work in progress, with finishing touches on the UI/UX design and banking integration for real-time financial data still in progress.




IN Progress

This project is currently still in progress. Resources shown are just a sample of the project and more may be available privately. You can see a live demo here: pachecked-demo (demo only shows UI and app flow, no data is real or connected)